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Design professional logos instantly

Build a unique brand identity, starting with custom logos you can easily produce and use.

Create A Logo

Everything you need for an on-brand logo

Thousands of professionally designed templates

Bring your branding identity to life. Browse our customizable logo templates to find a match.

Millions of free icons and illustrations

Inject uniqueness into your logos with free graphic elements from our vast media library.

Hundreds of eye-catching font combinations

Finish off your logo design by using the perfect font pairing.

Design A Logo

Craft custom logos in minutes

Free and easy-to-use logo editor

No advanced skills needed when designing your logo on our drag-and-drop dashboard.

Visualize your logo on any product

Create realistic product mockups using your design with the Smartmockups integration.

Resize your logo for any use

Automatically transform a single design for use on virtually any platform with Magic Switch (Pro).

Design A Logo

Work and collaborate with ease

Share access to your design

Get your teammates’ input by sending them a link to view and edit your design draft.

Easily get everyone’s comments

Revise with ease. Get your teammates’ and clients’ feedback directly on your design.

Design on the go

Work where inspiration strikes. Edit on Canva on your mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.

Design A Logo